Pray-n-Pause Beads


The HoldingCross Pray-n-Pause Beads™ are designed with flexibility and ease of use in design.  Drawing oneself into a prayer relationship with our Lord is the focus.  Handcrafted in strands of 7 beads, each is made with Olive Wood Beads from the Holy Land.

The beads can be designed for a particular type of prayer such as healing or forgiveness or family members or church ministries or global issues and concerns or whatever you wish to designate them for.

The Prayer Beads can be used in a fashion that meets your personal needs.  Taking the time to pray is vital in our prayer relationship.  Because of the style of the Pray-n-Pause™ Beads, you will be encouraged to take time to pause.  Relationships require two-way communication ... including prayer relationships.

Prayer Beads come in a clear cellophane bag including a StoryScroll containing information about prayer and many suggestions for using the beads.  Great for your personal prayer life.