Kingwood - Brazilian
$23.00 -
Canarywood : Latin America
$23.00 -
Oak , Red , Fancy : American
$23.00 -
Gift Boxes (set of 3)
$6.00 -
The HoldingCross™ design was Inspired in Love, Handcrafted in Love, Offered in Love, and Given in Love.
A Gift of Love from one hand to another™.
Proudly made in the U.S.A.
We usually have from 20 to 30 HoldingCross™ woods offered in this category.
The prices for an individual HoldingCrossTM range from $20.00 to $30.00, depending upon the wood.
We offer discounts for larger orders for ministry work. See also our MinistryPack section for great values on selected woods.
Please scroll down through the several pages of woods to see and enjoy the beauty of the wood and God's creation.